Luke Haywood - God's goodness continued

This addendum is supplied by Peter Haywood, who works for the Seamens' Christian Friend Society, an evangelical outreach amongst the world's merchant seafarers. In 1969, whilst serving as a infantry soldier in the regular Army (just as Luke had done 200 years before him), Peter accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour.

Having read the article concerning Luke Heywood "The Soldier of Fort George" I add the following details concerning my Great x 4 Grandfather.

Luke Haywood (Not Heywood) was born around 1740, place unknown and on the 5th February 1765 he enlisted into the 2nd Battalion, 1st Foot (later The Royal Scots). The Battalion moved to Fort George in 1766 where it remained until April 1768. It was during this period that Luke met the Reverend McPhail and where he accepted The Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour. This was the subject of the article "The Soldier of Fort George". The Regiment then moved to Berwick-on-Tweed.

In Berwick-on-Tweed, Luke married Mary Sanderson before going to Minorca for several years. No further reference can be found of Mary it is therefore assumed that she died.

In 1776, the Regiment returned to St Albans, Hertfordshire where Luke Haywood was heard to preach in the streets, wearing his red uniform, by the elders of Beechen Grove Baptist Church, Watford. They asked Luke to become their Pastor but, sadly, the Regiment then moved to Leeds where Luke was baptized into the Baptist faith at Gildersome Baptist Church.

The Regiment then moved again to Fort George, whilst the Church at Watford raised 20 guineas (a huge sum in those days) to purchase Luke's discharge. The Church at Gildersome also attempted to purchase luke's discharge as well. Whilst the details are not clear, it appears that Luke fell into the hands of "wicked and deceitful men" but his discharge was procurred by the intervention of a wonderful man of God, Simon Fraser, the Barrackmaster at Fort George.

Whilst at Fort George, Luke married again, to what appears to be a local girl, Jan (surname unknown). Simon Fraser writes in a letter to the Church at Watford, "I beg leave to assure you that although she has brought him no worldly substance, yet he has been exceeding fortunate in his choice....I have known her from infancy and am persuaded when she is known by his friends in England they will cordially join me in this opinion".

Luke and Jane moved to Beecham Grove Baptist Church, Watford where it is recorded that "During the first year of Mr Haywood's pastorate the articles of faith were fairly writ out with some little alteration being more full and explicit".

Luke was to move to Cotton End Baptist Church, Cardington, Bedfordshire under the patronage of John Howard (the Penal Reformer) and where sadly, on the 16th August 1783, he died of a fever that swept the country leaving Jane and four small children.

He was interred in Cotton End Baptist Church and an entry in the Church book reads "In life much respected, at death much lamented".

Jane became a Baptist pensioner and donations were received from a number of sources for her and the children..

Peter would dearly love to find out two details regarding Luke Haywood, firstly where he was born and secondly, any details regarding his marriage to Jane, particularly her surname and any reference to the actual marriage itself. - to make contact with Peter email